Konnichiwa! (Hello)
Welcome to Nihongo at West Beach Primary School. At our school we believe that learning a second language and it’s culture is something that all young learners can benefit greatly from. While language learning is an enriching experience for people of all ages, children are the ones who have the most to gain!
At West Beach Primary School students from Reception - Year 6 study Japanese for 1 x 50 minute lesson per week.
Our Japanese program is an exciting and engaging part of our curriculum and our students are always busy learning new and interesting things about Japan, its language and culture.
Our Japanese programme is planned to incorporate both language and culture and is aligned with the Australian Curriculum. We cover a variety of topics throughout the year levels, making sure that each year builds upon the last, increasing the opportunity to remember and utilise prior learning.
Our lessons involve lots of hands on and interactive activities that allow students to ‘have a go’ in a fun and supportive learning environment. We believe it is important for children to be able to succeed at their own level and we strive to develop their self-confidence and a curiosity about the world around them.
Special events are organised to allow the students to experience festivals and key aspects of Japanese Culture. We hold our own Matsuri (Festival) run by the senior students, a Cherry Blossom Picnic for the younger students and Japanese themed activities integrated into our own Sports Day.
We run a Japanese Club every Friday lunchtime and our senior students are offered the chance to participate interschool events such as the Annual Hiragana Competition and Japanese Quiz Day, celebrating the end of their studies at WBPS with a visit to a traditional Japanese Restaurant.
We believe the skills our students develop whilst learning a second language are life long and will stay with them regardless of the path their future learning takes.
Our classroom is a vibrant and welcoming space so please feel free to pop in and see me if you would like to find out more!
Sensei (Natasha Gilbert)